Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Christmas Update

Hi Ladies, GREAT news. My biopsy came back benign!!!! What they thought was a second tumor is actually just fibrosis, which means that there is extra connective tissue in that space and it is common. It doesn't have to be removed and is not even considered a benign tumor. This is amazingly awesome. They also said that the biopsy came back benign on the area around my surgical site. They thought that it could be inflamatory cells from having surgery or it could be abnormal cells that have spread from the tumor but it is just inflamatory cells. Again, fantastic. So, I am moving forward with my "clean up" surgery tomorrow. The doctor is going in again to get clean margins and to be completely sure that my lymph nodes are OK. I can't believe how happy I am to be having surgery. Thank you so much for all of the calls and emails, it means the world to me. It is so wonderful knowing you are thinking of my family and I. So much love to all of you. Merry Christmas girls!!! Love, Erin

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